Fraud Learning Video Library

We’ve selected a few short and entertained videos in order to help you to identify online fraud attempts, some of them directly related to the Diversity Lottery and some others related to general fraud risks to which you may be exposed on a daily basis.

Stay Safe from Phishing and Scams

Easy to understand graphically what phishing communications are, what to look out for, and how to avoid them by spotting some of the usual scammer patterns.

Online Safety On the Go

Here are some basic but important safety tips that apply to phones, laptops, and desktop computers where sensitive information is handled.

Why Span Calls are at an All-Time High

The CNBC report is a great introduction to the different kinds of scams that are affecting millions of people around the world, although the report is based in the US, the same scams are happening all over the world, so the only way to stop them is by educating the public.

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